Ohio Court Says Judge Must Perform Same-sex Marriage

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The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that Ohio judges who conduct marriage ceremonies cannot discriminate based on personal, moral, or religious beliefs.

he case came before the Ohio Supreme Court because a municipal judge from Toledo, C. Allen McConnell, refused to marry a same-sex couple, saying it contradicted his personal Christian beliefs, according to SRN News.

The Ohio Supreme Court’s Board of Professional Conduct added to the ruling that a judge who refuses to perform all marriages as a way to sidestep the mandate may be disqualified from any case in which sexual orientation is a factor.
The Board stated that refusing to marry a couple based on personal, moral, or religious beliefs is a violation of a judge’s oath of office.
“The oath represents the judge's solemn and personal vow that he or she will impartially perform all duties incumbent on the office and do so without regard to the status or class of persons or parties who come before the court." The oath is a reflection of the self-evident principle that the personal, moral, and religious beliefs of a judicial officer should never factor into the performance of any judicial duty."
Judge McConnell says he will comply with the Court’s decision and will marry a same-sex couple if requested to.

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